1:1 Executive Leadership COACHING

“If we all knew how to access our potential we would have already done so. The reality is that most of us don’t. Coaching offers us the opportunity to uncover our greatest potential.”

Mary Gregory

Leadership Coach Mary

1:1 Executive Coaching

Leaders face constant change and are expected to manage multiple, continuous initiatives, achieving results through others. Coaching is a powerful and effective solution to help you meet these challenges.

The coaching I offer is future and solutions oriented. Programmes focus on individual goals and aspirations in alignment with the context in which you work. Drawing on tools and techniques from a variety of schools of psychology and business, I can enable you to break through limited thinking and:

  • create clarity on where you want to be and what you need to do to get there

  • unlock natural strengths, creativity and resourcefulness

  • champion, challenge and support you as you instigate the necessary changes to deliver results.

Your Individual Programme Is Designed With You And Can Include:

  • 6-8 x 60-90 minute sessions over 6–12 months

  • a personalised coaching programme with outcomes and measures of success

  • psychometric assessments to understand your strengths and leadership style

  • face to face sessions or phone/Skype/Zoom at times suitable for you

  • unlimited email and phone access throughout your programme

  • recommended practices, exercises, reading and networks

  • between session ad-hoc support and resources

  • post-programme review

Programme Fees Start At: £3000 

If you would like a free confidential conversation to discuss coaching for yourself or someone in your organisation drop me a line or give me a call.

  • "Mary has been a challenging and thought provoking coach and has been of great assistance to me in my career as a senior leader.”

    Niall O’Connor, Group Managing Director, Aldi

My Services